Grog the Frog: The Book of Taurus
By Alba BG & Davilorium
On sale 07/19/2023
Every summer, Grog the Frog forgets to celebrate the most important magic ritual of the year: the Perseids harvest. But this year will be different. The eternally grumpy wizard
will travel to forsaken mystical mountains and complete the magical rites. Unless, of course, a case of mistaken identities means that he becomes embroiled in a duel with his cosmic rival.
Will Grog be able to put chaos in order and fulfill his purpose? Or wait, perhaps Grog would prefer chaos? He’s supposed to be the lord of chaos, isn’t he? Either way, it will be epic!
Drama, love, magic, a delivery guy who can fly, a weird snake, a bald centaur who rents cars… it all awaits Grog on his biggest adventure yet! All hail Grog!
ISBN: 979-8-88620-023-2; Price: $11.99
Softcover GN, 6.5” x 9”, 64 pages – full color
Alba and David have already established Grog the Frog as a popular character online (192k and 121k followers, respectively). This is their debut long-form story, full of wit, magic, and beautiful visuals!
About the Authors:
Alba BG is a Mediterranean child, full of dreams, and ready to tell all the stories she’s been gathering. Online, Alba shares illustration tutorials with her wide audience. Wildly popular, they are full of wit and whimsy just like her art!
You can find Alba online via Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube.
Davilorium is a Mediterranean kid who has just started his great journey. Writing, drawing, animation, music, tattoos — he’s friends with everything he can touch!
You can find Davilorium online via Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Silver Sprocket is a San Francisco based publisher, gallery, and retail shop championing socially conscious and independently produced comic books, graphic novels, and related arts.