Developer: RedDeer.Games
Platform: Switch
Genre: Simulation, Practical
Publisher: RedDeer.Games
Tokyo Cooking is a cooking game inspired by cooking Japanese dishes. The game was developed and published by RedDeer.Games. There are a few games similar to Tokyo Cooking, such as Cooking Mama, Cooking Simulator and others. This game is only available for the Switch.
Tokyo Cooking is a single-player game where you cook Japanese food for customers. It is a first-person game where you play in a small-sized kitchen that includes a pantry in which to cook meals. The main premise of the game is to interact with customers, obtain their orders and carry out a number of tasks that will help you make the requested food item.
The controls for Tokyo Cooking can sometimes be a bit annoying but are nice and simple. Something I did not like much about the controls is that they are overly sensitive, especially because it is being played on the Switch. This can be annoying at times when picking up certain items from shelves as you can mistakenly pick up something else. I do love the interactive controls; for example, when washing the rice, you move the right thumbstick in a clockwise potion, and when pouring, you move it downwards to simulate real-life actions. When doing these motions and being able to do them perfectly, you can get success bonus coins with a little sensei chef animation to the side. Besides that, the instructions for the game are very clear as you are told what each action does and the items that are needed are highlighted in the workplace.Â
The art style for Tokyo Cooking is quite colourful and almost has a comic-book, manga-style look to it. The side animation of the head chef when he says; WOW or NO looks quite dramatic and expressive, as if it is straight out of a manga. The details of the game are really nice, nothing too over the spot, but kept simple. The environment of the restaurant is barren, but the decorations are nice. I like that, with the money you collect, you can unlock different styled furniture. Each customer you interact with is also unique, and the dialogues are a nice little read. I really liked the music in the background whilst playing this game. It had a melodic mix of Japanese instrumental music with heavily tuned sounds.Â
Tokyo Cooking may not be the most ideal cooking game people may be looking for, but it is a nice little pastime. There were a few things that I did not quite like about the game. One of them was that when starting the game and looking for ingredients, it was a bit obnoxious trying to figure out where everything was. When I reached the part where I needed seaweed for the tuna onigiri, I looked everywhere but could not find the seaweed. It is a bit of an obstacle at first, even with everything being labelled, but once you play more of the game, you get used to the layout and the different ingredients. I do think that the game needs a clearer tutorial or instructions as it can be difficult for new players to look for stuff, and some may quit the game as they may not be as patient. Besides that, I did like the little checklist on the left side that helps you keep track of what needs to be done.
Tokyo Cooking is in the vein of a simulator cooking game, but after cooking a few food items, the game can get a bit dull. It seems that the gameplay is limited, so you cannot carry multiple things at once, so making several trips in your little kitchen for a few items can be a bit boring. The same goes for the interaction on the preparation; it does not seem to vary greatly between the food items. I do like that as you play more off the game, you ‘unlock’ newer recipes, but there does not seem to be much of a ‘competitiveness’ to the game. Customers do not rush you: buying the furniture does not boost customer happiness; nothing really does anything besides you hitting the control buttons at the right time when cooking, chopping or mixing items. I feel Tokyo Cooking has nice visuals to it, but the gameplay is a bit clunky and needs to be fleshed out if it is worth players’ time.Â
If you are looking for an easy-going cooking simulator game where you prepare Japanese food for unique customers, then Tokyo Cooking is just for you. The game features nice visuals and some good game playability that is suitable for people of all ages.Â
Overall: 4/10

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