Developer: One More Level
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One (Reviewed), PC
Genre: Action, Indie
Published by: Techland Publishing
You play as the original odd couple in this ultra violent and amazingly fun game that is Gods Trigger. The original odd couple consist of a Angel an Demon that are hunting down the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. If this hasn’t sold you the game, then i hope the rest of the review will.

This game is crazy fun, with loads of action and has that element of addictiveness that makes you want to just keep playing. Really simple and elegant controls allows for the instant gratification to draw you in but keeps you coming back. The level design and your approach style dictate the way you want to play and it’s up to you. I love the fact that a single hit from an enemy results in death, this level of toughness adds so much to the game. Superb graphics, environment and a cool comic book feel with great story telling make this a fantastic game.

Enjoys more than the odd game, long time gamer, somewhat a technologist and everything else in between.
Also enjoys a good solid game of FIFA online. Currently PS4, XBOX 360 and STEAM.