Seven Seas is pleased to announce that Bloom Into You Volumes 1-5, the tender yuri manga that inspired the current anime series running on HIDIVE, is available in both print and digital formats, with Volume 6 and beyond scheduled for 2019. This quiet, beloved series focuses on high schooler Yuu, a young woman interested in romance who’s never felt it herself. When Nanami, a beautiful upperclasswoman, falls in love with her, Yuu must work through the drama of her affection for Nanami and their budding relationship–as well as her feelings about romance and sex in general. Sometimes messy and sometimes sweet as it cycles through various characters’ points of view, this manga is a relatable coming-of-age tale about working through the complexities of the heart.
Series: Bloom Into You
Story & Art by: Nakatani Nio
Release Date: 2017/01/03 (Volume 1)
Price: $12.99
Format: Manga
Trim: 5 x 7.125in
Page Count: 180
ISBN: 978-1-626923-53-9
Yuu has always adored shoujo manga and yearns for the day when someone might give her a love confession that would send her heart aflutter. Yet when a junior high school classmate confesses his feelings to her–she feels nothing. Disappointed and confused, Yuu enters high school, where she sees the confident and beautiful student council member Nanami. When the next person to confess to Yuu is Nanami herself, has her romantic dream finally come true?
copyright: Bloom Into You © 2015 Nakatani Nio