
Wilde About The Girl Review

Author: Louise Pentland

Page Count: 416 pages

Format: Hardback, Paperback, Audiobook, Kindle

Publisher: Zaffre

Release Date: 9th August 2018


Robin Wilde is back again in book two of her extraordinary mummy life! After getting a promotion and taking on more responsibilities at work, Robin is loving the new opportunities it brings. However some people in the office bring forth some challenges that Robin must rise above. With the biggest event in the fashion world coming quick, will Robin and her team secure a spot to showcase their skills at London Fashion Week? After last year’s battle against The Emptiness and dipping into the dating pool, Robin has faced many heartbreaking moments, but the last book ended with a number of exciting meetings and sleepovers with exPat Edward in New York. With Robin happy in her life and career, unfortunately it soon snowballs downhill rapidly with immense sorrow, heart break, family drama and such deep loss.

It has only just been over a year since Louise Pentlands debut book, Wilde Like Me, was released. Now we are on to book two, as we see where Robin Wilde goes next! Single mom and strong, independent woman Robin is loving life in her new home and the rare times she meets up with Edward when he is in London. Her daughter Lyla is enjoying school, Robin has found her place in amongst the PSM’s (school moms) and has even secured a place on the Parents Association.

The good vibes don’t end there, as even Robin’s Aunty Kath has gotten herself some arm candy. Although her beloved husband Derek passed away many years ago, she has found someone she can now enjoy her days and nights with! Little Lyla though simply doesn’t understand how Kath can love two men at once. With some disruptive outbursts and some blunt truths coming from this six year old, there are some uncomfortable situations and some tricky parenting issues as well.

On a serious note, Louise Pentland once again shines light on an issue that is rarely talked about in society. In Wilde Like Me, Robin Wilde continuously struggled against The Emptiness he felt every time her daughter was away at her father’s. Since then she has successfully thrown herself into full time work and raising Lyla. In book two, Louise touches on another serious and very real issue to many women. I will only mention it as ‘The Thing’, as Louise asked many of her fans to do, so that it would not spoil the plot for all the first time readers. ‘The Thing’ is a very real issue, that is rarely talked about. Even now I am lost for words on how to articulate it without revealing spoilers. When I came across this part of the book, I physically had to put it down and leave it for two days. It was so well written, revealing so many previously unknown facts. It really makes you realise how common ‘The Thing’ is, and how you rarely, if ever, hear of it happening to those you know.

Apart from this shocking part in the book, I still enjoy how realistic the story and its characters are. With the ups and downs of being a single parent, fulltime make up artist, trying to figure out your relationship status and dealing with your Aunt having a better sex life then you, Robin’s year is packed with some very memorable events. So big cheers to Louise, you’re a ‘good egg’. Fingers crossed there will be news of a book three in the future!

You can buy this incredibly memorable story in hardback, paperback, audiobook and Kindle, both online and in your local brick and mortar store. I do advise picking it up for yourself, but it is also a great book to buy as a Christmas present.

Overall: 10/10

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