
Trinity Fusion Review

Developer: Angry Mob Games

Platforms: PC (Reviewed), PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X

Genre: Action, RPG

Publisher: Angry Mob Games


Trinity Fusion is a rouge-lite platformer game set in a dying multiverse where you can take control of multiple versions of the protagonist. This game is a sci-fi-themed world where dystopian cyberpunk music is the backdrop through your gameplay. As this game is set in a multiverse, each version of the protagonist has unique skills to help you through the game.

Like any rouge-lite, you take this character, Maya, and navigate a series of areas, and with each playthrough, get access to upgrades that will help your next run-through by gathering currencies; blue currency allows you to buy upgrades, whereas unlocking upgrades and expands upgrades, you can continue. 


The game is set in a dark, dystopian multiverse world, and the graphics paint this wonderful world in a 2.5D format. The music helps create this sci-fi world that is rough, ready, and full of awful creatures. The dark world is inhabited by numerous twisted creatures you must kill without losing value hp. You carry two weapons, a primary and an energy weapon, which are charged to inflict more damage than your primary but drain after each use. 

I found the gameplay engaging and didn’t find it a grind that can be levelled against many rogue-lites. The game mechanics, while relatively straightforward, were complimented by additional buffs throughout the game, and the choice between buffs was a massive plus to the gameplay to suit how you wanted to play. Each world is procedurally generated, and you can go to a different biome or battle a boss, depending on your run. The bosses play a significant role as the levels lead to these battles. I enjoyed the boss battles, which had enough challenges, but this can be ramped up by the difficulty settings if you want more of a challenge. 


Like any rouge-lite, you have power-ups or buffs to help you get through each area or the next playthrough if you die. Amplifiers (powerup mods) allow you to have specific buffs to your character; if you fully power up a single family of powerups, you will get a bonus buff. A hardcore difficulty mode can be unlocked once you have completed the game on veteran mode.


The game was fun and didn’t feel like a grind; I enjoyed my several playthroughs and some additional features like binding with a parallel version of yourself as a nice feature of the game. The rouge-lite action genre is packed, which holds its own in many ways. It’s simple and intuitive to play, and I loved the look and presentation of the game.

 It’s definitely worth picking up if you enjoy 2.5D rogue-lite games.

Overall: 8/10

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