
Thor: Love and Thunder Review

Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Taika Waititi, Tessa Thompson, Natalie Portman, Russell Crowe, Christian Bale

Director: Taika Waititi

Release date: 7th July 2022


After the events of ‘Ragnarok’, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has decided he wants a peaceful life but unfortunately once again he is called upon to step up and now he has to defeat a guy everyone is calling ‘The God Butcher’. The Butcher (Christian Bale) has experienced a terrible loss and everything he believed in has been destroyed so he decides that all Gods must die. He wields a God-killing sword and sets about destroying as much as possible. Thor’s life is obviously now at risk and so he goes home to Asgard to recruit some help. Unfortunately they soon receive a visit from The Butcher and he kidnaps all of the children. Thor and his friends must find a way to rescue the kids and not get killed in the process..


It almost feels like an eternity since ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, but the wait has been worth it.

In the last installment, Thor brought the remaining Asgardians to Earth to begin new lives in safety. Now they live a peaceful existence, raising their families with no threat or panic.

Unfortunately, The Butcher sees this as an opportunity and swoops in, taking the children and spiriting them to a place far away.

This new movie, I have to say is probably one of my favourites of all the Marvel movies to date.. It has everything a discerning Marvel fan could want and I’m of the honest belief that it will get old Marvel fans back in the cinemas too. It’s hilarious in all the right places but there’s also lots of heart throughout the story, with Jane Foster’s ongoing story at the forefront. It’s action-packed from start to finish, driven by a rockin’ soundtrack full of tunes that will stay in your brain for days and days after.


The cast is pretty spectacular too with lots of your favourites back for another adventure. It’s also great to start a movie with a villain’s backstory. So many times in movies, we know very little about the baddies motivation and in ‘Thor: Love & Thunder’ you can honestly see why ‘The Butcher’ feels he’s justified in his actions. He’s blinded by the injustices of his life.

Hand on heart this is one of the best Marvel movies you will see in a long time. Running at 2hrs on the dot, it’s not dragged out with loads of unnecessary story plots, it does exactly what it says on the tin; entertainment from start to finish.


Be prepared for lots of laughs, an entertaining storyline, great punch-ups and tunes throughout that will have your toes tapping non-stop. Just make sure you stay til the very very end for two extra scenes. You’ll be really glad you did.

Overall: 9/10

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