
The Best of 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, as we come to the end of one year I decided to look back on all the reviews I have done throughout the past twelve months. Although the website does not go back as far as my 2016 reviews, due to the recent updated website, but hopefully in the near future all of them will be restored.

So let us begin with Live Action Films.



Train To Busan

Although I have reviewed very little in the likes of live actions this year, Train to Busan certainly stood out. A Korean zombie flick that focused on one workaholic dad as he travels the rails in order to bring his daughter to his estranged wife for her birthday. With a variety of characters involved, with their own stories to tell, it certainly made me shed a few tears in parts. You can check out the full review below.



Pokémon: The 20th Movie I Choose You!

Certainly the best animated movie to come out for me this year has to be the 20th Pokémon movie. Even more memorable was seeing it in the cinema on the big screen for the first time. Although the film did leave out a pair of very important characters from the franchise, it was a retelling of some of the most memorable moments from the first season. Although set in a slightly different timeline, it still had a memorable story. Especially the battles, glorious camera work with Pokémon from not only the Kanto region appearing. It will be coming out from Manga Entertainment UK in February 2018. Check out the full review here:



Kinmoza! Season 1

Although I haven’t watched a great amount of anime this year, Kinmoza would still have risen above all others. Although a simple plot at best, as a young Japanese girl goes on a short exchange programme to the British countryside only to become close friends with her host family’s daughter. After a few years apart, the roles are reversed as a blonde young girl walks into Shinobu’s class. A charming, sweet anime that has a second season coming our way next year. Check it out:



Username: Uprising

The third and final volume in the Username saga from Joe Sugg & the Sugg Team. Following a young girl named Evie, whose father left behind a virtual world for her to run to in times of trouble. A hideaway where she can be surrounded by positive feelings and regain composure and strength. Instead in the last two volumes, that world has been tainted, destroyed and reborn. Only for one troublesome individual following Evie and the gang back to the real world. An emotional adventure that is certainly worth picking up. Created by YouTuber Joe ‘ThatcherJoe’ Sugg. Check it out here:



Wilde Like Me

Another book by a British YouTuber. Louise Pentland, aka Sprinkle of Glitter, has this year released her first debut novel. Already with a second one in the pipeline, her first certainly made an impression on me. Focussed on a young woman named Robin Wilde, who is co-parenting her six year old daughter after a failed relationship with the father. It approaches subjects such as depression, the loneliness associated in a single parent lifestyle and the everyday obstacles she faces. Attending school events, fitting in with the school mums and getting back in the dating scene. High hopes for the next installment.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #52

The second installment into the Shadowlock saga, as this mysterious unicorn brings the greatest fictional monsters to life within a library. All in hopes of stopping the intrusive holders of the Elements of Harmony from ending his plans. An interesting saga to say the least, with great promise, with a character I really do hope returns in the future. Certainly one of the most enjoyable comics of the year.

There you have it everyone, my top books/comics/anime and film of the year. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to bringing out even more reviews next year for you all to read.

Chat again in the new year folks!


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