Sonder.Episode One Released on Steam Early Access

Sonder.Episode One Released on Steam Early Access

“Sonder.” is a Hard SciFi third-person Mystery Adventure game unlike anything you have ever played before. It is an interactive nonlinear time loop where you are in total control of space, time and the lives of everyone in it. You are given a section of time to analyze – you can observe from the sidelines as the same mistakes are being made over and over again, or you can take control of any character, at any time and experience events from that character’s unique perspective. Then you may guide them to the choices that will ultimately lead them to salvation – or bring them to their doom. Time marches forward mercilessly for the characters, but for you it is merely a resource. You can restart the time loop at any time, as many times as you wish. You can rewind to any past point within the loop and attempt to change what happens from that point onward.

The only place where information can survive from one loop to the next – is in your (the player’s) head! Story characters have no recollection of previous play-throughs.

“Sonder.” is a game that is experimenting with the formula of non-linear narrative design driven purely by player choice. We feel that we have created a good initial implementation for our ideas, and we are ready to bring in our potential players to the development process. Because we have a lot of unique and interesting features, Steam’s Early Access platform gives us the possibility to have a large amount of our audience provide feedback and help us shape the final product.

Sonder.Episode One 3
We consider our release to still be very much a Work-In-Progress. We are looking forward to the participation of our audience, and their feedback (positive or negative). Over the coming weeks we will be announcing more ways that the audience can engage with the development of our game.
The price point for “Sonder.Episode ONE” will be $3.99 for the duration of the Early Access phase. The price will increase once we enter Full Release.
“Sonder.” has a total of six (6) e

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