Writer: Christopher Cantwell
Artist: Martin Morazzo
Colors: Miroslav Mrva
Lettering: Clem Robins
Cover: Martin Morazzo
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics/Berger Books
What an intense short series! I don’t think I am remiss in saying that She Could Fly is breaking ground, or at the very least, re-breaking ground that has been cracked in the past. It is truly a groundbreaking story in a medium that rarely displays such truths of humanity, and even when comics do attempt to reflect reality and contain deep messages, it is often dismissed because of the medium, which just really sucks.
If you haven’t checked out these four books yet, I urge you to give them a whole-hearted try and to really let everything sink in; to think about everything from the characterization to the plot development; from the dialogue to the visual portrayal. Perhaps even take notes, dare I suggest. Perhaps even read them again after a month or two, to fully realize all that you can take away. The impact these characters and this plot had on me is greater than I think I’ve realized yet, and I will be going back to delve within these pages again in the near future (especially because there are hints that there’s more to come relatively soon).
As I’ve said in previous reviews, this creative team is a brilliant group. The art meshes so well with the story, I can’t even imagine any other stylized depictions fitting as well. The characters are all just…real. They’re fully formed, with inner conflicts and outer conflicts, with keen awareness and insight of the world and misinterpretations of the world. There’s so much to discuss and ponder within the panels: if I was still teaching, I’d love to assign this book.
This last issue is quite gory, so take this as your warning. Be sure to read the letter by Christopher Cantwell at the end, as it is important and valuable in its own right. When you’re done, suggest the series to others; let them borrow your issues. For this is a book that can reach a lot of people, shock a lot of people, and shake a lot of people into being more aware. I know I already am.
Overall: 10/10

Tee LaFrance Todd writes, edits, reads, explores, and creates whenever she can find the time. When she’s not engaged in some form of storytelling, you can find Tee traversing the world with her husband and her dog, making things, reading tarot cards, and generally striving to live a life beyond anything she can imagine.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeeLaFranceTodd
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