
Sea of Thieves Volume 1 Review

Writer: Jeremy Whitley

Artist: Rhoald Marcellius

Colorist: Saktu Yuwono

Lettering: Jaka Ady

Cover: Rhoald Marcellius

Publisher: Titan Comics




Swashbuckling and sword fighting: there’s no better way to spend a weekend. Reading about it is almost as good. Enter the first volume of Sea of Thieves, a comic based off the hit video game, which I admit I have never played. Still, I love me a pack of provoked pirates as much as the next person and was eager to board the ship and sail to the Sea of Thieves once I saw that it was appearing in printed form.


I am certainly glad that I donned my bandanna and squeezed my way into my thigh high boots, for Sea of Thieves was a joy filled ride. Going in with a certain level of expectations, I was really surprised to find myself so enthralled by the dynamic cast, mysterious plot lines, and piratical intrigue leaping out of the panels of this comic. It isn’t one of those books that blew me away, but it isn’t meant to be. However, it also isn’t as shallow as I thought it would be, and I would like to thank the creators for traversing into deeper waters with what could have just been a typical read littered with tropes.

Instead, though, we have some zippy characters, each with their unique talents, quirks and motives, that I was delighted to get to know. There were a few times that the rapid plot pace slowed for me, and every once in a while, the dialogue was a bit superfluous and/or repetitive. Mostly, though I sailed smoothly through the story, participating in the laughs and sorrows alike. The interactions between the key players was often compelling and even the secondary cast was well thought out.


Part of my enjoyment of this book came from the energetic, expressive art, which appealed to me on an aesthetic level, as well as on a storytelling level. I very much appreciate the attention to creative organization of panels in Sea of Thieves, as these alone help to set an adventurous tone that few comic creators master. The character’s spirited expressions drive home their reactions at a perfect pitch and I also loved the details of all the backgrounds. Well done!

I might just have to go pick up the video game, now that I’ve made my way through Sea of Thieves. It’s a heap of fun with cool corsairs that most readers will probably enjoy.

Overall: 8.5/10

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