Monday, July 10, 2017
Another late posting this week because, guess what? I went fishing this morning. I needed to go and commune with nature to try and counteract a lot of negative feelings I have been having due to upsetting events in the news. Things like the Omar Khadr settlement, the senseless death of Barbara Kentner in Thunder Bay, Ottawa Pride telling the Police not to wear their uniforms in the Pride Parade, the moron of the united states and his ruling party and inconsiderate entitled bullies all over the place feeling emboldened because of the puissant in chief. Well, my plan for finding peace and tranquility at the lake backfired big time right off the bat. Another vehicle and boat pulled into the boat launch just as I was finishing getting my boat ready to launch and they decided to cut in front of me and back their boat into the ramp before me. I stopped them and launched my boat but after I parked my SUV and trailer one of the guys starts yelling at me. He said I should have backed my trailer down the ramp to get my boat ready instead of getting it ready in the parking area. He said that he shouldn’t have to wait his turn because it might have taken me an hour to launch. An hour. Exaggerate much? I was so upset I forgot to put the drain plug in and had to bail out the excess water as I motored along. I also forgot to grab my rain coat before heading out but luckily for me it stopped raining soon after. It took about an hour before I was able to calm down. Having the loons, turtles, fish hawk, and great blue heron around and catching a few nice fish made me feel better eventually. There’s no accounting for rude and selfish people but there are ways to help deal with them. Being in nature does that for me.
Spider-Man #18 – Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Justin Ponsor with Rain Beredo (colours) VC’s Clayton Cowles (letters). I love the consistently good art in this book whether it’s Sara Pichelli, David Marquez, or Oscar Bazaldua. My one quibble this issue was that Miles’s mother looked more like his sister. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with Hammerhead and how Miles handles Bombshell.
Nick Fury #4 – James Robinson (writer) Aco (pencils) Hugo Petrus (inks) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) Travis Lanham (letters). This mission takes Nick deep into Atlantis. It was nice seeing the old Imperius Rex exclaimer again. It’s a near impossible mission since Nick only has about an hour to get the bad guy before he drowns. The excitement and tension mounts with each turn of the page. The art in this has been outstanding.
Deathstroke #21 – Christopher Priest (writer) Diogenes Neves (pencils) Jason Paz (inks) Jeromy Cox (colours) Willie Schubert (letters). Praise the lord Slade Wilson is born again and the guy that made Quantum and Woody so much fun for me is writing these new adventures. Deathstroke is a good guy now and is leading a team of Dark Titans calling themselves Defiance. There’s plenty of family drama with Slade’s ex-wife, Jericho and Ravager involved. There is one member who looks like DC’s version of Moon Girl that I’m not familiar with and when could Jericho fly? These mysteries and Deathstroke’s personal about face is what made me put this book back in the reading rotation.
Skybourne #4 – Frank Cho (writer & artist) Marcio Menyz (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). There’s a surprise appearance that made me break out in song. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sight, that saved this mini series for me. Now I can’t wait for the last issue to hit the racks.
All-New Wolverine #22 – Tom Taylor (writer) Leonard Kirk (pencils) Leonard Kirk & Cory Hamscher (inks) Michael Garland & Erick Arciniega (colours) VC’s Joe Sabino (letters). Laura and Gabby go to space and whenever anyone goes into space you’ve just got to have the Guardians of the Galaxy involved. I am enjoying Leonard Kirk’s art in this.
Superman #26 – Michael Moreci (writer) Scott Godlewski (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Father and son lessons in this issue. I have a feeling that if Jon really screws up then Lois will be the one to make him see the light.
The Old Guard #5 – Greg Rucka (writer) Leandro Fernandez (art) Daniela Miwa (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). The first story arc ends with a nice fire fight. I really like this little team of immortal mercenaries and look forward to their next assignment.
The Unstoppable Wasp #7 – Jeremy Whitley (writer) Veronica Fish (art) Megan Wilson (colours) VC’s Joe Caramagna (letters). And now for some step-mother and step-daughter bonding. Janet Van Dyne, the original Wasp steps up to help Nadia, the Unstoppable Wasp cope with her friend’s trauma after bad guys try to kidnap them for the Red Room. I like having Jarvis around but I hope that they don’t put too many adults into this book. The appeal for me is seeing these girls do their own thing.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #23 – Robert Venditti (writer) Ethan Van Sciver (art) Jason Wright (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). My favourite Green Lantern Corps artist draws this issue and it’s gorgeous. I love all the fine detail he puts into every panel. Part 2 of “Fracture” puts the alliance between the Green and Yellow Corps in jeopardy. This could be another Civil War folks.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #7 – Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (writer) Robert Hack (art & colours) Jack Morelli (letters). Part 1 of “Witch War” tells Sabrina’s origin story through her father’s. It’s been a year since the last issue but this starts a new story and is a good jumping on point if you’ve never read this book before. I’m not a fan of horror comic books but this one is so horrifyingly good that I’m enjoying it immensely. I’m astounded by the how mature this is compared to the sweet innocence of the original Archie Comics Sabrina comic books. There’s a reprint of an old story featuring Dracula that shows that difference perfectly. This isn’t your grandmother’s Archie Comics that’s for damn sure.
Spider-Man/Deadpool #19 – Joshua Corin (writer) Will Robson (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) VC’s Joe Sabino (letters). I read this as a test issue for the new creative team after Joe Kelly (writer) and Ed McGuinness (pencils) finished their stint and the new guys passed. I’m happy that this bromance book is still on my “must read” list. Even with Slapstick guest starring this didn’t degenerate into dumb silliness.
Batman #26 – Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) June Chung (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Holy awesome story Batman. Part 2 of “The War of Jokes and Riddles” surprised me by including a bunch of Bat Villains. Poison Ivy is on team Riddler and you will see what other villains are on his team and who is on team Joker. This war is going to be brutal. The first page alone is worth the $2.99 US cover price.
Champions #10 – Mark Waid (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) VC’s Clayton Cowles (letters). Hydra has taken over the USA? Does that suck worse than #45 being POTUS (president of the united states) IRL (in real life)? The team searches for the missing Ms. Marvel and find an internment camp for Inhumans. The search continues next issue.
Jessica Jones #10 – Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC’s Clayton Cowles (letters). This case that Jess is working on for Maria Hill to find out who put out a kill order on Maria is getting quite complicated. I hope we’re going to see Maria’s origin story out of this.