Monday, December 18, 2017
No, I have not seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi yet. Seeing as how I have seen all of the other Star Wars movies in a theatre I will see this one eventually. I understand there are new things in it and that fans are hard pressed not to see spoilers before getting a chance to see the movie. It’s a good thing that I don’t get out much.
Daredevil #596 – Charles Soule (writer) Stefano Landini (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC’s Clayton Cowles (letters). Most of the action has Daredevil trying to elude the NYPD after he “attacked” the mayor. That mayor of New York City being Wilson “The Kingpin” Fisk, if you didn’t know. If you think that’s a shocking development, wait until see what happens at the end of this issue. It’s a classic case of politics making strange bedfellows.
Detective Comics #970 – James Tynion IV (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Salvador Regla, Ricardo Jaime & Marcio Loerzer (inks) Jason Wright (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). Lots going on in this book. Red Robin is obsessed with fixing everything. Clayface is looking at maybe getting cured of his affliction and someone has created cyber assassins to kill the team. The good guys certainly have their hands full. I’m waiting to see which hero gets the shaft.
Star Wars #40 – Kieron Gillen (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC’s Clayton Cowles (letters). Excitement is at a fever pitch as I write this (December 14) for tomorrow’s opening of Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie. I think Luke Skywalker plays a major role in the new movie and he also steps to the fore in this comic book. I like the photorealism of the art but some of it didn’t work this time. The faces looked photoshopped and unnatural in some panels. It made a good reading experience into a slightly disappointing one.
Action Comics #993 – Dan Jurgens (writer & pencils) Joe Prado & Cam Smith (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Booster Shot part 1. If Booster Gold is in this story then you’ve got to know that there’s going to be time travelling involved. Ugh. I always think that EVERYBODY should know not to mess with time travel, but no one is that rational. Maybe this culminates in a major event in issue #1000. I certainly hope so.
Amazing Spider-Man #792 – Dan Slott & Mike Costa (story) Dan Slott (writer) Ryan Stegman (art) Brian Reber (colours) VC’s Joe Caramagna & Joe Sabino (letters). Venom Inc. part 2. This story has an old school feel to it. It reminds me of the stories where Spider-Man fights super villains like the Shocker but now the bad guys are infected with the Venom symbiote. The odds are stacked against the hero so we’ll see how he overcomes.
She-Hulk #160 – Mariko Tamaki (writer) Jahnoy Lindsay (art) Frederico Blee (colours) VC’s Travis Lanham (letters). Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Jennifer Walters gets captured and her blood is used to change a bad guy into a Hulk-like creature. Rehashed plots are the main reason I’ve whittled down my list of comic books to read. I’m hoping that the old Hulk villain in this story does something interesting.
Runaways #4 – Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC’s Joe Caramagna (letters). This is the reunion that I have been waiting for since the rebirth of this book. Molly is my favourite Runaway and Rainbow has captured her youthful voice and enthusiasm very well. I’ve been watching the new TV show and enjoying that too. This team of younguns is in good hands right now.
Weapon X #12 – Greg Pak (writer) Yildiray Cinar (art) Frank D’Armata (colours) VC’s Joe Caramagna (letters). Nuke-Clear War part 1. We haven’t seen this villain in a while. I thought the facial tattoos looked familiar. This should relieve the team’s boredom.
All-New Wolverine #28 – Tom Taylor (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC’s Cory Petit (letters). Orphans of X part 4. The bad guys have found a new way to kill mutants so Laura and company head to Japan to find a way to protect themselves. The last page shocker made me go “what the fork?”. Especially right after reading Weapon X.