Sky One’s highest rated drama series Lucky Man, is returning to screens this year for a third season. A show whose original story was created by Marvel’s’ Stan Lee and his company POW! Entertainment. This limited run comic series will be brought to us by TPub Comics. It will be following the origins of the bracelet, the impact it had on history and the people who have worn it.
The plot for the show has a supernatural element, where this bracelet and whomever wears it can manipulate luck. Be it good or bad. The show is set in London, England and follows DI Harry Clayton, a detective of the Central London Murder Squad, who suffers from a gambling addiction. After a one night stand, he awakes the following morning to find he has been left with an ancient bracelet of unknown origin on his wrist. With his newfound jewelry, of which he can not remove, his luck starts to change. This comic series intertwines with the show and follows both Harry and his half-brother Rich Clayton as they research this mysterious bracelet.
The original story and artwork was created by Stan Lee and POW! Entertainment, before the creative team at TPub Comics began to adapt this into a comic series. Unlike an origin story, this comic takes place at the same time as the show. By just adding another interesting layer and more details to this fan loved franchise. The TPub Comics team involved in this adaption include Neil Gibson and Michael Gordon as writers. Neil is the leading drive to the TPub business, best known for his renowned and well received comic series ‘Twisted Dark’. Michael Gordon, best known for his sci-fi comic series ‘Transdimensional’, which was successfully funded on its Kickstarter campaigns.
TPub Comics is amongst the UK’s leading comic book publishers. Their mission is to get more people reading and to both teach them and help them get into creating their own comics. Passionate about their goal, they lecture at schools and Universities, and even run an online course in order to help like minded individuals to break into the comic book industry. Best known for their ‘Twisted Dark’ series, TPub Comics make a variety of comics for both the book market and corporations. Free samples of their work and comics can be found on their website: They also attend comic conventions throughout the world, including Ireland. As I met them at the 2017 MCM Ireland Comic Con, and are famous for grabbing the attention of passers by with their Challenge! Read just one chapter from one of their books, like it, then read chapter two. If you love chapter two and want more, then you must buy the book. I have failed at this challenge already and are soon to buy even more from them.
I am looking forward to seeing how well this comic takes off later this Summer. Having already gotten a big vote of confidence from POW! Entertainment already, TPub have a lot to live upto. But knowing what their previous work has been like, you won’t be disappointed.
Shane Duffy, CEO of Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment said: “We are excited to work with TPub Comics to expand Stan Lee’s Lucky Man universe. We are very thankful for all the talented artists and writers who worked very closely with our team on this project and we know that the fans will appreciate it. We can’t wait to share it with everyone.”
I will be sure to review this comic series when it comes out later this year!
Original Art & Story: POW! Entertainment
Writers: Neil Gibson & Michael Gordon (TPub Comics)
Illustrators: Atula Siriwardane (present day)
Colorist: Ellie Wright (present day)
Lettering By: Jim Campbell (present day), Warren Montgomery (Russian Arc)
Cover Artist: Atula Siriwardane
Variant Artist: Vince Sunico
Touch Up Artist: Jess Taylor (Russian Arc)
Published By: TPub Comics