Developer: Ubisoft Quebec
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5 (Reviewed), Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Genre: Action, Adventure
Publisher: Ubisoft
Immortals: Fenyx Rising is the massive open-world RPG action game that is addictive. It plays along the line of a modern Assassin’s Creed game but with a heavy emphasis on puzzles. It’s nowhere near a straight Assassin’s Creed clone and does diverge away from AC. I was expecting something similar to AC but was pleasantly surprised.
Immortals: Fenyx Rising comes to life with a cartoon style of graphics, it’s bright and wonderful, but quickly turns dark and foreboding. It alternates between both quite a bit. The stage is the age of The Greek Gods, and the game uses a voiceover of two Gods: Zeus and Prometheus to tell the tale of Fenyx and the protagonist’s fight against Typhoon (deadliest Titan in Greek mythology). While there are elements of the parkour in Fenyx Rising a whole host of extra features make the gameplay vastly different from AC. This is mainly due to the sheer amount of puzzle sections on the game.
First off Fenyx possesses a host of powers and acquires extra “Godly” powers like flight (Wings of Daidalos) just to name one. You have the ability to run, fight, mount stead or fly through this open world that is full of mythological beasts (Cyclops, Minotaur and Medusa). Fenyx emphasises these gameplay elements throughout and there is a ton of variety. I think Fenyx comes into its own after about 3-4 hours into the game where you have levelled up sufficiently and have the broad variety of weapons and special powers to take on the vaults (dungeons). Puzzles come in the form of speed run challenges, archery puzzles and platforming puzzles too. This variety keeps you engaged. As this is an action RPG the fighting mechanics are solid and a decent levelling up system makes you do side missions too. The fighting is fun and you can chain huge combos whilst using additional God powers too.
The voice acting, visuals and level design are superb. The narration of Zeus and Prometheus is somewhat of a bad comedy duo with some Dad jokes thrown in. It’s not amazingly funny but I can see the intent to lighten and narrate throughout the game. The narrative does succeed and paints a more vibrant picture of the world and mythology. The Greek mythology theme permeates the whole game and design and adds an air of authenticity to the game.
The PS5 and Xbox Series X (I assume) support a quality mode 30 fps at 4K native and a performance mode that supports 60 fps dynamic 4K.
The game plays phenomenally well once you get used to the controls and all the variety of specials you will acquire. There is a huge amount of puzzles, enemies and diversion in the world to keep you coming back. The powering up system is rich enough without being complex, it’s a fun game that you will lose hours in. It’s a surprising mix of puzzles merged to an open-world RPG. I have put in a lot of hours and keep coming back to the game.
Overall: 8/10
Enjoys more than the odd game, long time gamer, somewhat a technologist and everything else in between.
Also enjoys a good solid game of FIFA online. Currently PS4, XBOX 360 and STEAM.