
G.I. Joe #1 Review

Written by: Joshua Williamson

Art by: Tom Reilly

Colours by: Jordie Bellaire 

Letters by: Rus Wooton

Cover by: Tom Reilly

Published by: Skybound Entertaintment/Image Comics


This comic hits the ground running. It’s fast-paced, action-packed, and full of energy, and this issue is a first glimpse into a larger crossover between the Transformers Universe and the G.I. Joe Universe.  Writer Joshua Williamson, artist Tom Reilly, and colorist Jordie Bellaire clearly all share an enthusiasm that manifests on the pages of this comic that makes it hard to look away. 

Williamson delivers exposition throughout the story in a way that doesn’t bog down the pacing. The G.I. Joe cast is introduced via a beautifully drawn action sequence in the first several pages that sets a lively momentum. This makes learning about the characters and the things that make them tick fun to read. We also get a little bit of foreshadowing here as Duke, the commander of the Joes, expresses his concerns about his team’s cohesion.  


In the next scene, we get introduced to Cobra and learn about the dangerous new technologies they’re developing. We get a good sense of just how ruthless Cobra can be. 

It all comes to a head while the Joes are on their very first mission. Early in the issue, we learn about Duke’s reservations, and ultimately, it’s not looking good for the Joes as they face off against the invading Vipers – who didn’t forget to bring their frightening new technology with them. It’s difficult to say who’s winning this fight and who’s going to live through it. This issue ends on a cliffhanger that makes me eager to read issue two!  

Colorist Bellaire, illustrator Reilly, and letterer Wooten are an excellent trio where story meets the page. Reilly chooses lively and dynamic camera angles that allow Bellaire to answer with contrasting colors that evoke tension. In some of the high-action scenes, her sense of rapid color changes creates a strobe lighting effect that intentionally drives drama forward. Wooten navigates pages with heavy dialogue, as well as sound effects, in a way that complements page composition and flow.  Overall, there’s close attention to detail that gives a sense of urgency and immediacy that’s appropriate to fast-paced action comics – and the art is easy to get lost in.     


If you’re not a long-time fan of G.I. Joe, don’t worry, this comic works well as a first introduction for new readers. If you want just a little bit more, be sure to check out the Energon Universe Special, also published by Image Comics, which contains a short story about the assembly of the G.I. Joe team.    

The coordination of this creative team is firing on all six cylinders. 

Overall: 10/10

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