It was that time of the year again, EGX time, EGX was jammed pack with lots to see, to do and play. Here’s my rapid-fire preview of the games and delights on offer.
Cyberpunk 2077
While Cyberpunk was not in playable form, you could, however, enjoy an extra-long 40-minute game demo in a theatre. It does look like all kinds of amazing, though do you expect anything less from the makers of The Witcher? Visually stunning with some amazing gameplay mechanics, this is obviously a huge game to look forward to.
Skybolt Zack (Steam and Switch)
Skybolt Zack is one of those wonderful games that you will love to discover, it’s a mix of platform and action mayhem. It’s wonderfully bright, fast past and really challenges players to think as quick as the action. The learning curve is about right with each level having three levels of difficulty depending on your route. It’s a blast and worth a play.
Pacer combines the world of Wipeout racing with guns and power-ups. You will glide along these crazy tracks which can be played in reverse and at night too. Along the main race line, you will be rewarded with power-ups (boost) to reward your racing skills. However, verge slightly off the race track and you will be giving more, how can I put it, destructive based power-ups like guns and grenades and slowdowns too. It’s a mix of Mario Kart and Wipeout but with a real emphasis on the sense of speed. The transition from the third person to cockpit view and you will be immersed in this amazing world of hyper-realistic frenetic racing game. It’s smooth and appealing, very slick and I’m looking forward to the full game.
If you are a big fan of Rocket League, then ShockRods should be right up your alley. It combines the magnificent football like the world of Rocket League but with an emphasis on gun-based action amongst the football play. It’s a no holes barred shoot em up with a mix of sport. Online play is responsive and addictive.
Table Manners
Table Manners defies all kinds of description, it’s strange, fun, bizarre and the game mechanics mean the game descends into hilarity in the space of seconds. The premise of the game revolves on going on a date and you are in control of feedings your partner, topping up their drink and ensuring they have a good time. You are in the first person and can only see your arms and hands in the game. The controls are tough to get a hold of but this makes for some brilliant and funny gameplay, again another worthy game of your time just for the laughs.
Granblue Fantasy: Versus
Granblue Fantasy: Versus is the beat ’em up version of the RPG Granblue Fantasy. The original RPG is in Japanese but there are English translations of the game for the uninitiated. The beat ’em up version of Granblue has all the styling of the RPG but in a one on one combat scenario. It’s action-packed full of special and super movies. There will also supposedly be a side-scrolling aspect to the game when released too. Like any fighter, there is a learning curve to master each character but you can button bash to your heart’s content.

Enjoys more than the odd game, long time gamer, somewhat a technologist and everything else in between.
Also enjoys a good solid game of FIFA online. Currently PS4, XBOX 360 and STEAM.