
Dark Crimes – Trailer

Jim Carrey commands the screen in this spellbinding thriller, brought to you by the executive producers of The Revenant and Black Mass. Hidden in the archives of the Krakow Police Headquarters, aging police officer Tadek (Jim Carrey: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bruce Alighty) is drawn to a cold, unsolved murder case. When he discovers that a thriller written by novelist Krystof Kozlov (Marton Csokas, Noah) mirrors this same crime, Tadek becomes suspicious and arrests the author after catching him in a rendezvous with a sex club worker named Kasia (Charlotte Gainsbourg: Nymphomaniac). Kozlov tells the press that the police mistreated him and Tadek is taken off the case. Later, however, Kasia comes forward as a key witness and signs a written statement that leads to Kozlov’s confession. But the plots takes yet another deadly twist when a newspaper clipping reveals that Kozlov has an alibi and Tadek was tricked.



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