
ComicBuzz Chats With Robert A. Multari

With the release of the Snow Paw #1-2 Kickstarter, we are delighted to be joined by the creator/writer of Snow Paw, Robert A. Multari.

Hi Robert. It’s so wonderful to have you here with us.

Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi, I’m Robert A. Multari, the creator/writer of Snow Paw and the hit series Night Wolf as well as the founder of Lone Wolf Comics. I’m a self-published writer working in multiple genres including horror, supernatural, superhero, and antihero themed comic books.

I live in Sharpsville, PA with my wife, three children, three dogs, and a cat. I’m also a full time web and graphic designer as well as a part time comic book creator. I would like to rearrange those two paths in the near future.

It’s been my dream since I was a kid, struggling with A.D.D. and dyslexia, to be in the comic book business. In July 2017, I released my first issue of my ongoing comic book series, Night Wolf. Currently published and available in print and digital are my Night Wolf Issues 1-6, the volume 1 trade paperback that collects the 1st four issues, and for the 1st issue of Snow Paw, with issue 2 soon to be printed.


Can you tell us all about Lone Wolf Comics?

Sure, Lone Wolf Comics is my independent character-based entertainment company where I self-publish my comic books and more. Besides Snow Paw and Night Wolf, I have three other titles planned for future release – Crimson Dawn, Redemption, and Arcane.


Can you tell us about the origins of Snow Paw?

Snow Paw’s origin goes way back to when I first started writing X-Men fanfiction when I was 14-years-old and submitted it to Marvel in hopes that Stan Lee would read it. Someone from Marvel was nice enough to write back to me saying that Stan loves to hear from his fans and encouraged me to keep up my writing. As naive as I was at the time, it spread my passion for the business like a wildfire.

Snow Paw’s character development came as soon as I had decided to pursue writing an original story, rather than creating another fan fiction. I knew that I wanted a strong female character to be Night Wolf’s mentor. This was around the time that I was really into reading the X-Men spinoff titles featuring Wolfsbane. I thought it was so cool how they wrote her Scottish accent in the word bubbles. There is just something enjoyable about reading and listening to Scottish and Irish speech. It’s funny how I will catch myself taking on the dialect when I hear too much of it. Long story short, from the beginning of her conception, I wanted Snow Paw to have a Scottish accent.

Snow Paw was originally intended to be Night Wolf’s mentor and made cameo appearances in Night Wolf Issues 1 and 2, as part of his nightmare visions, but her first official appearance takes place in Night Wolf Issue 3, where she plays a major role in the second half of the issue and throughout the rest of the 12 issue story arc.

Snow Paw is my personal favorite character that I have created and she has been very well received by my audience, who I kindly refer to as my Wolf Pack. They have been howling for more of her. Plus, I wanted to write a story focused on a strong female character for my daughter and other girls getting into comic books to look up to as a strong role model. This was also a great opportunity for me to explore Snow Paw’s origin story over 200 hundred years before the events of Night Wolf.


How would you describe the Snow Paw comic?

It’s a gorgeously illustrated historical comic book series that features a strong female lead, who also happens to be a werewolf. If you put Disney’s Brave, Outlander, Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful, and Carnival Row into a blender you get this very compelling story with its unique take on the supernatural and fantasy genres, with a hint of steampunk in the mix.


Who is Cirilla MacKinlay?

Cirilla MacKinlay, or Cirray for short, is a strong-willed farm girl, born and raised in the Scottish Highlands during the 19th century, who dreams about a life of adventure. She goes against the social expectations of her time and she is unnaturally strong with keen hunting skills. Cirray has a pure heart, loves her family, and she wants to do right by them. Which is why she begrudgingly agrees to her betrothal to James Chisholm, the son of Scottish nobleman Roderick Chisholm, in order to save her family farm from poverty. However, a trite fairy-tale ending was not to be as her family farm was attacked by a pack of werewolves, which awoke the beast within revealing her unknown werewolf lineage.


How important is word of mouth for any indie project?

Word of mouth is very important for any and all indie projects. Unlike the larger companies who can afford a large marketing budget, we have limited funds to begin with for bringing our creations to life. So for us indie creators, we live on word of mouth and organic reach to continue our growth in order to produce more content.


What made Mog the right artist for Snow Paw?

From the very beginning of this project I wanted a female driven art team and Mog has this natural drawing aesthetic that caters to historical fantasy. Her attention to detail even while drawing a background is second to none. Mog also has an affinity for wolves, which is something we both have in common, so I felt it was a match made in heaven.


Do you have a favourite Kickstarter reward?

My favorite rewards to offer are the Mystery Boxes, and this time I have two of them – one for just the Snow Paw series and the second that contains Night Wolf items as well. In the Snow Paw Mystery Box backers are guaranteed all 14 variant print variant editions of Snow Paw #1 & 2 as well as a mystery signed CGC graded copy of Snow Paw. The Snow Paw Mystery Box is worth $450, but is only going for $299 through the Kickstarter. The Lone Wolf Comics Mystery Boxes has a bit more mystery to it. It’s a lot bigger than the Snow Paw box, containing a minimum of $500 or more value for $499. Inside the box includes a mystery signed CGC graded copy of either Snow Paw or Night Wolf, mystery variant print editions of Snow Paw #1 & 2, mystery variant print editions of Night Wolf #1-6, a mystery Face Mask, a mystery T-Shirt, a mystery Mini-Figure, a mystery Hat, and a mystery Hoodie.


Any message for the ComicBuzz readers?

If you love 19th century time period stories filled with Scottish brogue about a strong female lead, Supernatural beings and creatures of Fantasy like werewolves, fairies, demons, dwarves, warlocks, elves and more? Then Snow Paw is the series for you! So what are you waiting for? Join the Wolf Pack today!

A big thank you to Robert for sitting and chatting with us. We would like to wish Robert and the rest of the team the best of luck with their Snow Paw #1-2 Kickstarter.

KickStarter Link: Snow Paw #1-2 Kickstarter



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