We are delighted to be joined by writer, editor, consultant and producer Chris Robinson. Chris is the writer of Vince Staples’s Limbo Beach and Werewolf Frankenstein. Chris was also the editor of the Eisner Award-winning All-Negro Comics 75th Anniversary Edition.
Hi Chris, It is great to have you here with us. Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello ComicBuzzards! I am the one and only Chris Robinson, writer of one of the fine tales in ODB: Lyrical Ruckus in the City, and many more comics like Limbo Beach, Czarface: A Czar is Born, Werewolf Frankenstein, and even more that I cannot reveal at this time. In a past life I edited the Eisner-winning All-Negro Comics 75th Anniversary Edition, and probably a stack of your favorite X-Men comics.
How did you get involved with ODB: Lyrical Ruckus in the City?
The fine folks at Oni Press were familiar with my oeuvre—I wrote the music-based OGNs I mentioned above and edited a whole lot more, like for Public Enemy and Cypress Hill, for instance—too many to list here! But I was happy to answer the call as an ODB fan from way back.
What did you think when you first heard the pitch for ODB: Lyrical Ruckus in the City?
The “pitch” for the book has many people to thank for it, starting with Four Screens Management, who control ODB’s image and life rights with his family. They already had a nonfiction project in the works (recently nominated for an NAACP Image Award in fact) so the graphic novel was to be more fantastic and adapt ODB in broader ways. From there, co-writers Ike Reed & David Gorden brought to the table the idea of aligning the anthology with the five pillars of hip-hop: MCing (rapping), DJing, breakdancing, graffiti, and knowledge. The five different stories that make up Lyrical Ruckus utilize those tenets in different ways that I won’t spoil! But through all these voices coming together, we landed on the pitch: a pan-dimensional New York City filled with local heroes and societal villains.
What can you tell us about Sword of the Cypher?
Sword of the Cypher has the most “superhero” DNA of all the stories. Basically, imagine Miles Morales or Static if he got his superpowers from ODB.
How familiar were you with ODB?
Extremely! I am originally from New York City and grew up in the 90s. One of my dearest memories is watching the Got Your Money music video on MTV while my grandparents stood by in confusion.
How were Chris Gooding, Mike JC and Steve Canon selected as the artists on Sword of the Cypher?
Four Screens was very keen to have Chris Gooding handle the art. I brought in Mike and Steve to round out the crew. Since Chris’s background is animation not comics, I thought Mike could lend his great eye for clean page layouts. Steve is my go-to colorist for my creator-owned comics like Werewolf Frankenstein and Commander in Chains.
For anyone unfamiliar with ODB, how would you describe him?
Oof—how much time do you have? How about… Brooklyn rapper, co-founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan, and there ain’t no father to his style.
What was it like working with Chris Gooding, Mike JC, Steve Canon, Four Screens and Oni Press?
Everyone on the project was a blast to work with and I’d do so again in a heartbeat—in fact, I already am!
For any reader unfamiliar with ODB would the ODB: Lyrical Ruckus in the City graphic novel, still be a great read?
Absolutely! From the jump, we wanted this book to expand beyond ODB the man and get into ODB the emotion. This isn’t a biography in the least, but after you read this OGN you will feel like you know ODB.
How would you describe ODB: Lyrical Ruckus in the City?
This is an anthology of stories set in a pan-dimensional NYC and just like the real thing it is a melting pot of information and influences with a lot of heart buried in the center. Imagine Fantasia if Walt Disney was the ODB.
How do you feel about your contribution to ODB: Lyrical Ruckus in the City graphic novel?
I’m proud to have contributed to the legacy of one of the biggest cultural figures of the twentieth century! I think we did a great job, but I want to hear what readers think. If you’re on BlueSky, tag me with your mini reviews! I’m @chrisrobinson.info.
Any message for the ComicBuzz readers?
There’s a lot to love in this anthology, whether you know ODB’s rhymes bar for bar or this is the first you’re hearing of him. Every story is unique, so feel free to read them out of order if you want—ODB himself would approve!
A book reading, Q&A discussion, and signing of the fantastical graphic anthology which will take place Monday, January 27, 2025 at 7:00 pm at Book Soup (8818 Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069). You can find more details on Book Soup’s website here.
We would like to say a big thank you to Chris for chatting with us!