PQube and The Gentlebros are excited to announce that Cat Quest will be releasing on Steam on August 8, 2017.
A 2D action-RPG featuring real-time combat in a vast open-world setting, Cat Quest sends you on an epic journey to defeat the pawerful and meowsterious Drakoth, the evil catlord who kidnapped your sister, and uncover your destiny as the Dragonblood, the last of a pawsome long-lost race of dragonslayers.
Explore a massive overworld map, complete dungeons for epic loot, take on challenging quests, level up your spells and save the world of Felingard from certain catastrophe in Cat Quest. Prepare for the ultimate catventure!
Add Cat Quest to your Wishlist on Steam now:
http://store.steampowered.com/ app/593280/Cat_Quest/
Cat Quest pounces on to Steam on August 8, 2017 and will be coming to PS4 and Nintendo Switch later this year!
Check out #CatQuest on social media! For more information and the latest news, follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/PQubeGames, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pqube.
Follow Cat Quest on Facebook at www.facebook.com/catquestgame and The GentleBros at www.twitter.com/TheGentlebros.