
2000 AD Prog 2362 is out on the 13th December

The Galaxy’s Greatest Comic marks the end of another year with the traditional festive blowout – a 100-page mega-special featuring brand-new stories and a surprise creative guest!

2000 AD Prog 2362 is out on the 13th December – and you can pre-order this special issue now, with FREE postage within the U.K.

Within its pages you will find an all-new Strontium Dog story by comedian and actor Rufus Hound (Doctor Who) with artist Dan Cornwell! Speaking on his arrival in The Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, Hound says:

“I’d never believed that I’d get a chance like this. That ACTUAL 2000 AD would ask me – ME! – to write so much as a single syllable for their illustrious pages. Not only that, but to be given the opportunity to reimagine something from the golden era of Strontium Dog? Proper dream come true stuff.”

In Strontium Dog: ‘Alpha’, Johnny and Wulf are en-route to the planet Aminovarm in the hold of a star cruiser when Johnny intervenes in a domestic incident. When the son gives Johnny an alien delicacy as a thank you gift, things go south and psychedelic in equal amounts! Hound described the story:


Johnny Alpha always had it hard, but kept his upper-lip stiff and his chin granite-like. However, what if a diary of his was discovered? Something that peeled away a later or two of the man? That allowed us some insight into the mind of Johnny Alpha, not merely marvel at his tough-as-hell actions. That’s what ‘Alpha’ is.

I’ve filled my story with classic SD references, but I hope the greatest act of fan service is the tale itself. I’ve tried to give Wulf and Johnny something that I think most fans have always craved for them, whilst still letting them be Johnny and Wulf. With Carlos’ passing, getting this right seems even more important somehow. I just hope the amount of love and hard work I’ve lavished on it shines through. 

The 100-page Spectacular will continue ongoing stories Feral & Foe, HeliumEnemy Earth and The Devil’s Railroad, but they’re joined by a heavenly host of one-off stories: a new Judge Dredd tale by Ken Niemand & Tom Foster, Azimuth by Dan Abnett & Tazio Bettin, Rogue Trooper by Geoffrey D. Wessel & Simon Coleby, Fiends of the Eastern Front by Ian Edginton & Tiernen Trevallion, Anderson, Psi-Div by Torunn Gronbekk & Kieran McKeown, and Strontium Dog by Rufus Hound & Dan Cornwell!

All this wrapped inside a chaotic cover from Cliff Robinson and Dylan Teague? Grud bless us, every one!

On sale 13 December, Prog 2362 isn’t a Christmas stocking-stuffer – it’s a Yuletide mind-expander! Available for pre-order now!

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