
Dream Daddy #1 Review

Written By: Wendy Xu

Illustrator & Colorist: Ryan Maniulit

Lettering by: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Cover Artists: Kris Anka, Ryan Maniulit, Kate Z Stone

Published By: Oni Press


Dream Daddy, the hit dating sim game from Game Grumps, has just been adapted into comic book form. This first issue follows two Maple Bay Dads, the former Keg Stand – Craig and his pal – Bro! Together they go on a lads night out as they swing by their college reunion party. With no kids in tow, these two guys go out for drinks, grab a meal and go on an adventurous stroll….hang on, is this a date?!

Now although I haven’t played the Dream Daddy game, I have heard of them (I am following Markiplier’s gameplay playlist on YouTube!) but I had no idea what either the game or this comic was going to be about until I read this issue. Although we are only introduced to Craig, former college party boy and Dad of two, as his date for the night is only described as Bro. I’m guessing this is probably the players character in the game as well, and is a nice way to introduce us to this series.


Dream Daddy #1 is sweet, touching, realistic and not so in your face that you immediately suspect it to be datingsim related. I certainly didn’t! Both guys are fathers, and even though their kids are far apart in age, they have both known each other since their college days. As to what has happened to their female partners, the children’s mothers, remains a mystery. Not that it matters, but I tried not to focus on Craig’s and Bro’s past, but instead on their night out together and how they interacted. I also have to say, they are such a cute couple! I would love to see them appear again in the next issue.

The original concept for this comic, is based upon a dating sim game of the same name. Released back in 2017 for the PC, it was created by Game Grumps, a channel created on YouTube back in 2012 as a Let’s Play web series. Dream Daddy is the team’s first released game with Game Grumps announcing it was now a video game development studio on release day. It is a game that has received plenty of positive reviews over on Steam, and it comes at no surprise that the game was later adapted into this comic series.


The character designs are very close to the game style. The cover designs are certainly eye catching, and you will be doing your very best not to pick these up from a shelf to browse through. Pick it up dammit! This comic deserves to be bought and read! Maybe even shared with your mates! There are some down to Earth scenes in this issue, so it actually makes this an even more enjoyable read. It’s like a slice of life story, with real characters and some good times. The artwork portrays that so well, with a glimpse of what the characters also looked like back in their college days, compared to the grown up, semisettled down dads they are now.

Dream Daddy #1 is lighthearted, but tugs at the heartstrings all the same! Not in a sad way, but more of a flutter as these two bros take on an evening with no kids. Make sure to check this series out while you can. Issue #1 is out now in all good comic shops, as well as on Steam, Comixology, Amazon/ Kindle, Google Play, and iTunes/iBooks.

Overall: 9/10


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