
ComicBuzz Chats With Bridgit Connell

With the release of Lady Baltimore: The Daughters of Medusa in April from Dark Horse Comics, we are delighted to be joined by writer and artist Bridgit Connell.


Hi Bridgit, it is so lovely to have you here with us. Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

B: Too kind, it’s lovely to be interviewed by y’all as well! I’m Bridgit Connell, a comic book artist from North Carolina and sometimes I draw spooky sh*t!


How does it feel to be illustrating Lady Baltimore again?

B: I consider the opportunity of roaming freely in the Outerverse to truly be a gift, and I am so happy to be back in the grit of this world. Never a shortage of monsters or magic to draw, and getting to draw such a resilient hero in the face of such absolute darkness in her world is quite a therapeutic thing to draw lately. When all seems hopeless, SHE PUNCH.


For anyone unfamiliar with Lady Baltimore, what can you say about Lady Baltimore?

B: Lady Baltimore was once Sofia Valk. She was a previous member of Lord Henry Baltimore’s team, (an undying hero fought against vampires, plague, and demonic forces in the previous Baltimore series,) and Sofia joined him after running weaponless through the woods, away from her unloving undead husband. Now, after she inherited Baltimore’s estate, she continues fighting as he would have, against new evils sprouting up during the 1940s. She has no powers save for her sheer determination to put an end to every Nazi within sword’s reach of her. In this story, the Hexencorp – a collection of crazy witch covens – are leading the charge in World War 2. Sofia and her crew, including her lover Imogen who is a witch herself, are the force to be reckoned with and they’re response to the evil is clever, fiery and unwavering.


What is it like working with Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Tom Sniegoski, Michelle Madsen, Clem Robins and Dark Horse Comics?

(Tom Sniegoski is not involved in this particular comic.)
(Let’s not forget Katii O’Brien, our editor! She kicks absolute ass!)
B: I probably don’t have to explain how freaking wild it is for me to work for this team right? Let’s just say when I first got the job for this title I hyperventilated. And to be continuing Sofia’s arc makes me so happy. She is a great character. Everyone does such a killer job – OH and I’ve gotta say, Michelle’s colors in these issues are my favorite thing I’ve ever seen her do! THEY ARE WILD. She is so talented and has a true gift.
AND!! Abigail Larson’s COVER!!! ARE you KIDDING ME!? So nuts in the best way. I need a big poster for my studio. NEEEED.


Is Lady Baltimore: The Daughters of Medusa new reader-friendly?

B: Absolutely. This volume 2 of Lady Baltimore is all shorter stories, diving into more character backstories and personal dilemmas. You really get a zoom-in on character personalities and what drives them in these epic scenarios. Even though the characters are all fighting in a broader war, the individual stories truly cover smaller battles in these single or double issues. 


How would you describe Lady Baltimore: The Daughters of Medusa?

B: I do not say this lightly but it’s my favorite project I’ve done yet. It’s only a two issue story, but honestly it’s one of my favorite Baltimore scripts I’ve read. The monsters are maybe my favorite and the story takes slithering, winding turns. It also involves a really beautiful story arc with some of Sofia’s crew, and has a depth to characters we haven’t necessarily seen before in this world. Plus the locations are wild too. Loved every second!


Any message for the ComicBuzz readers?

B: If you’re looking for a hero that has self-doubt and is battling with herself on whether or not she’s doing the right thing, this book is NOT FOR YOU. Sofia has NO apologies about being all-in on kicking evil’s ass and will use every resource, every weapon, and every ounce of energy to do so. She’s gonna crack her knuckles, grab a sword, and leap into the fray without a moments hesitation, while rallying the people around her to pick up a weapon and help fight for the survival of themselves.

We would like to say a big thank you to Bridgit for chatting with us and wish her the best of luck with Lady Baltimore: The Daughters of Medusa.

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