Writer: Joe Casey
Artist: Ulises Farinas
Colors: Melody Often
Lettering: Rus Wooton
Cover: Ulises Farinas
Publisher: Image Comics
It has become something of a tradition in my reviews of New Lieutenants of Metal issues to list some of the awesome things in the comic. I will miss this tradition, since this is the end of at least this story arc. Who else is hoping that we haven’t seen the last of these heavy hitting heroes?
Since this is it for now, here I go with my list this time around: a fire-breathing alien-human hybrid, a pudgy panda who rides around on a jet powered manta ray (or is it a bird?), hilariously squishy pop drones, a bunch of kickass splash pages, some pretty epic reveals, totally wacky expressions, madness, mayhem, and mischief, and oh yeah, blasting boobies. But wait, there’s more. Don’t forget about the playlist at the start of each book, and the Spike Files at the end with more in depth info on the key metalheads. These extras just make the fun all the more intense.
Really, this has been one helluva headbanging ride. I loved every minute with this crew, especially as they crushed Beeb and the Boy Band Nation. This series was manic and hysterical and so different than everything else I have been reading. I loved the dialogue (even the mopey monologues) and the character building.
The whiplash feel of the art is also right up my alley. Vandenberg Riot is one of the funniest images I’ve come across in a while with his little face in a big head and clenched fists for abs. I also thought Spike was charming and loved seeing him blow his top in this last issue. I hope they all return again real soon. If you haven’t checked out New Lieutenants yet, it’s not too late to go back and gather up all four issues. Hope you have a blast!
Overall: 9/10

Tee LaFrance Todd writes, edits, reads, explores, and creates whenever she can find the time. When she’s not engaged in some form of storytelling, you can find Tee traversing the world with her husband and her dog, making things, reading tarot cards, and generally striving to live a life beyond anything she can imagine.
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