Voiced by: Gabriel Bateman, Jim Gaffigan, Ryan S. Hill, Adam Lambert, Dan Navarro, Anna Taylor-Joy, Daniel Radcliffe
Director: Lino DiSalvo
Release date: 9th August 2019
A young boy named Charlie and his older sister, Marla live in a big house with their parents and have a life full of fun and play. Late one night, there’s a knock on the door and the kids open it to find two police officers on their doorstep… The news they bring is not good… Four years pass and Charlie and Marla are now living alone, with Marla acting as parent to them both. One night there’s a huge thunderstorm and Charlie runs away.. He doesn’t go too far though; breaking into a Toy Convention to look at the Playmobil exhibition. Fortunately Marla manages to find him and the pair reminisce about their playdays when they were younger. Strange things start to happen and in an instant, they are transported into a strange but familiar world….
Playmobil was invented by a German guy named Hans Beck, in the early 1970s, and has become a major rival to Lego. The toy that he eventually came up with was ‘7.5cm tall, fitted into a child’s hand and its facial design was based on children’s drawings – a large head, a big smile, and no nose’. The toys are aimed at children from the age of 4 to 12.
If you’re going to watch this movie with your kids, expecting something resembling the Lego movies, then you will probably be a bit disappointed. It doesn’t have all the glamour that you get from the Lego movies and also there’s not such a cast of well known names voicing the characters… having said that though, don’t write it off completely. Young kids will love it and it could even be one of those films you take your child to for their first cinema experience. Lots of chases and a token baddie, will keep the kids amused and engaged for the duration.
Overall: 7/10