Developer: Ghost Games
Platforms:PlayStation 4 (Reviewed), Xbox One, PC
Genre: Racing
Published by: EA
Need for Speed is the arcade racer that you will enjoy playing but probably not love. It has a lot of great elements, a huge open world to drive around, a multitude of cars, mods and some amazing scenery to do stunts in. It has a lot going for it but the story mode is cliched which doesn’t really add to the game and detracts away from it. The game is underpinned by the story mode, you will hear constant references to the story when you drive around and not a on a mission. There isn’t enough events to do or just general pleasure of driving the world to keep you that excited.

The first impressions were good, an intro and you are thrown in the deep end, you are the driver. Then the story builds on your failures and how you will become the best driver again with the help of your motley crew. The problem I had is that the story didn’t grab, I wasn’t really interested and it was a bit cliched. It just fell a bit flat but the voice acting is reasonable. Team dynamic and motives just don’t seem that plausible. I’m not sure if the story mode works particularly well when all your interactions involve you driving a car. It’s not like you can get out of car and doing something to influence the world. It feels constrained but this is primarily a driving game.

The driving aspects were enjoyable, if you have played any of the previous games, you will know the lay of the land. The vast majority of the free driving experience revolves around gaining points from driving on the wrong side of the road, drifting, action moves (air) and near misses, These points are multiplied and you gain nitro boost. Speed checkpoints are dotted around the world which gives you an opportunity to use your nitro . The sound track is awesome but can get grating after the 18th loop of it. Visuals are great, attention to detail is immaculate.

The only aspect with this is that it doesn’t sustain a whole game, there isn’t enough events to keep you occupied. As I drove around freely, I would just get bored and drive into other cars and try to break any objects I could see!

Driving aspects of the games are fun, it’s easy to pick up and get into it, it’s not aiming for that immaculate simulation of a driving game which gives it that fun factor. The story is meh. It’s an enjoyable and fun game but not enough variety to keep you glued to it. That’s a shame.
Overall: 6/10

Enjoys more than the odd game, long time gamer, somewhat a technologist and everything else in between.
Also enjoys a good solid game of FIFA online. Currently PS4, XBOX 360 and STEAM.