
Lucky Tower Ultimate Review

Developer: Studio Seufz

Platform: PC (Reviewed)

Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG

Publisher: AMC Games


Lucky Tower Ultimate is a slapstick roguelike adventure. This game was developed by Studio Seufz and published by Studio Seufz and AMC. Lucky Tower Ultimate feels similar to Shovel Knight but plays with its own unique style. Lucky Tower Ultimate is currently only available for the PC and is in early access.
Lucky Tower Ultimate is a single-player game where the hero of our story, Von Wanst, gets teleported to a tower, which begins the mayhem he has to encounter to escape. He starts off with nothing but his heart-printed boxers and charm to venture forth and find a way to escape the tower. Throughout the game, several encounters and deaths are put into play where your main goal is to escape. As the hero sets foot into the tower, he encounters several doors that will give him weapons, and coins, or set him up for death. Dying becomes a big part of Lucky Tower Ultimate. Lucky Tower Ultimate has its charm in slapstick comedy where it manages to be funny for players. The endless amount of dad jokes makes the game a blast to play.


The controls for this game are really easy to work with. As our main hero is teleported into the tower, he meets the devil, who helps explain the mechanics and controls the game. The tutorial is nicely run through to get players to familiarise themselves. There were no issues with the controls except for sudden mix-ups between swapping items, but besides that, everything worked smoothly. With the overall gameplay, none of the controls exceeds the limit, which makes the game easy-going. 

Lucky Tower Ultimate features a comic art style with surreal cartoons that add to the humour of the game. The hand-drawn 2D graphics are stunning. The quirky enemy designs to the simplistic weapon/tool designs make it feel like you’re flipping through a comic book. It almost resembles those old cartoon network shows with the uncalled-for but entertaining humour. Character design is something I appreciate because the NPC interactions are unique and have interesting personalities; additionally, everything matches so well with the dialogue. The game has a good sense of simplicity to it from the foreground to the background that matches the interior of the tower but has its little changes. Another one of my favourite things about the visuals are the animations, especially the countless death animations that our lonely hero has to bear witness to too. The visuals for Lucky Tower Ultimate work so well with audio, and the best part of the soundtrack for this game is the voice-acting. The main hero’s voice resembles that of Johnny Bravo, which seems so fitting for this charmingly wit character, and other voices throughout the game really add to the experience. From the voice acting to the sound effects, they pair so well with one another. At first, I was caught off guard by a distant yelling through the walls when I went through a door, only to find a blue monster with a hammer charging at me. The game does not seem to have much music in the background, but this does not take away from the game whatsoever because no second goes too quiet.


Lucky Tower Ultimate has been designed in a way that’s straightforward for players to understand, meaning anyone can play it. Essentially, players will throw and equip items, collect coins, and recruit NPCS that can follow their commands all while progressing from doors to doors. Being able to command the companions you had encountered in your run was so much fun because it came to my realisation that how I treated them was how they treated me back, so it’s always important to be aware of how you command them. What I really like about this game is that it does not require players to use a great deal of skill but rather for them to enjoy the comedic relief and go with the flow. It’s up to the player to choose their path and discover new ways to meet their destiny. Death is inevitable, but it’s not something to get tired of because every run is never the same. Something I found to be really enjoyable is that you get to experiment with new items, meet fellow NPCs, encounter rooms where you can make potions, and do so much in the tower you are exploring. The game is perfect in the sense of not having to worry about reaching the end goal but just having fun, and nothing beats the humour in this game. 


Even for players who are looking to reach the end of the tower and figure out the right path to escape, the game will incorporate good gameplay where players need to understand how certain items pair with others. This will only help them further their progression and is what reminded me of Shovel Knight Dig. The game does have an end-game to it, so there is always something to look forward to at the end of the tower. Lucky Tower Ultimate is a great game to pick up when you want something amusing and not too difficult. Unlike other games where meeting your end can get the best of you, here you can just laugh it off. 


If you are looking to play a comical roguelike adventure game where you get to play as a charmingly witty character who has to encounter doors on doors to avoid his death and escape the tower, then this game is just for you. Lucky Tower Ultimate embodies the word lucky, where it really depends on how each run will help you progress further or get you to backtrack endlessly. With comic-book-like visuals and humorous voice acting, this game will instantly engage the player. Looking for a game that’s straightforward and nothing but silly, then be sure to check out Lucky Tower Ultimate!

Overall: 8/10

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