Written By: Todd McFarlane
Artist: Jason Shawn Alexander
Colorist: Jose Villarrubia
Lettering By: Simon Bowland
Cover by: Todd McFarlane
Published By: Image Comics
My excitement for Spawn has been revitalized, I grew up reading the early issues and it was Todd McFarlane that inspired me to become a comic book creator. My first love in comic books was early Spawn, the covers are perfect and beautiful, the story was dark and dirty. When I was just a wee lad I tried making my own Spawn comic on the Windows 95’ paint program, it didn’t turn out so well. That’s when I realized how hard it was to make comics so I stuck to just reading them for a while.
Spawn is in prison in this issue and it’s exactly what he wanted. Al Simmons/Spawn has been put in prison by the authorities and into a special sector by the warden butt naked in order to break him. They want Spawn to talk but he stays silent, when a nasty group of prisoners tries to take advantage of the silent HellSpawn we get to see the beast break free and do what he is so we’ll known for. There is a glimpse into what this story arc has in store for us and I now have to make a few trips to the comic shop, it’s over two hours away so that should tell you how excited I am to continue the story.
The art is dark and suites the story, the writing is great and hooked me in. Well worth the read and addition to your pull list. If you ever want to be inspired to create just watch an interview with Todd McFarlane, there’s an energy within him that resonates with you. Check out the documentary about his life and success called Todd McFarlane The Devil You Know, I used to have it taped on a VHS and I watched it nearly a hundred times I’m sure, but it’s on Youtube now if you wanna check it out.
Overall: 8/10

Canadian indie comic book writer, self publisher of scribbles and former managing editor for a small comic book company.
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